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Practice Groups

The Wildwood Crest Dolphins have three practice groups.

The Blue Group practices from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at the pool.  This group is for our youngest/least experienced swimmers. 5 or older, Must be able to swim 25 yards freestyle, non stop with no fear. 

The White group practices from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the pool. This group knows all four strokes, starts, turns, finishes and is working at improving their skills and endurance.

The Orange group practices from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the pool and Tuesday and Thursday at 5:45 at open water locations in Wildwood Crest.  This group consists of our oldest and most experienced swimmers.  

If you are uncertain as to which group your swimmer should register for, hold off on registration and consult with the Coaches at the beginning of the season or attend a try out / group placement before beginning. 

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Practice Policies

  • Please do your best to be on time.  It makes the practice better for everyone if the Coaches don't have to juggle swimmers among lanes as late-comers arrive. 
  • No running on deck.  Period.  It's simply unsafe.
  • No wet children in the waiting room.  Again, it's unsafe. If you child does get the floor wet in the waiting room, please be sure to get it dried up. 
  • Don't have your young swimmer playing on electronic devices within the hour before practice.  Let's have our swimmers ready to absorb the coaching directions.
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All Swimmers Welcome

MAAPP / Safe Sport Information

The Wildwood Crest Dolphins Swim Team invites interested swimmers to join our team.

We are a competitive swim team of the Middle Atlantic Local Swim Committee of the Eastern Zone of USA Swimming.

We practice at the Joseph Von Savage Memorial Pool in Wildwood Crest, located at 8800 New Jersey Ave. and serve all of Cape May County.


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